Bloggers collaboration
Creative economics brings fees and costs nothing for the food creators.
Are you a food creator struggling to turn your culinary ideas into a sustainable business? Say goodbye to the old way of doing things, and say hello to the world of creative economics with Leckar.
A food blogger with an audience but without commercial food product
Manufacturer of food supplements with a commercial food product but without a large audience
«As a vegan food blogger with a large following, I struggled to turn my recipes into a profitable venture.
With Leckar, I created something that lives longer than instagram stories and brings me income even when I don't sell anything personally.
Leckar took care of all the routine: industrial development of my branded food recipes, paperwork, retail marketing, and more. My payment is ideal for a creator: to provide bright ideas and encourage Leckar to develop products».
«My dietary supplements is bought and appreciated in US. However, I have never had enough time to reach a wider audience because I only sell what I make with my hands.
With Leckar, I get more time to develop products, and my income no longer depends on my personal sales.
Leckar has taken my products into the physical retail market, reaching previously unreachable customers for free. I pay Leckar for their services only with my product ideas. At the same time, I continue to own these ideas through industrial recipes and receive royalties».
Gone are the days where lack of audience or food production hindered your ability to earn royalties from your culinary creations. Leckar provides a seamless solution for both food bloggers and commercial chefs, allowing them to monetize their ideas and take their businesses to the next level.
Write to Leckar, and let's create together.